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Although the administrators and moderators of Winwares will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All posts express the views of the author, and neither the owners of Winwares nor its collaborators will be held responsible for the content of any message. By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.
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The administrators of Winwares reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any discussion topic, post or account for any reason. You may delete your account information at any time by logging into your account and following the steps under “Account Settings.” When you delete your account, your profile is no longer visible to other users and disassociated from content you posted under that account. Users will get a 7 day grace period to recover their accounts after that time has passed their profile info will be removed from our database. Please note, however, that the posts, comments, and messages you submitted prior to deleting your account will still be visible to others.
Winwares Community & Posting Guidelines
With millions of users coming to Winwares every month, we’ve devised a number of guidelines that will help new and regular members co-exist and communicate in the best manner. User comments and our community constitute an integral part of Winwares and as such we expect members to use their best judgment and common sense when posting.
The golden rule that will keep you in good standing within our community is respect.
Terms of service must be respected in full.
Criticize ideas, not people. We won’t stand, nor support personal flaming.
Respect the privacy of others. Do not post others’ personal information without their express permission.
Each member is entitled to have only one forum account and must provide a functional e-mail address (not made public unless you’ve agreed to).
Moderators are entitled to make good use of their judgment in moderation. Furthermore, moderators are forum authorities and should be treated with respect. They are all voluntary helpers within the community.
Use descriptive subject lines and research your post. Posting generic titles like: “I need help” or “I have a problem” may be deleted by moderators regardless of the content of the post.
Make sure you are posting in the correct board.
No SHOUTING allowed!!! That is, posting IN ALL CAPS or with excessive exclamation marks (!!!). It’s rude and annoying, and if you do it, your post will be removed.
Use the search function. Before posting any new messages make sure the topic you are interested has not been discussed just recently, you can choose the search feature from the forum menu which will take you to previously posted information.
Avoid double posting. Make good use of the ‘Edit’ function and do not “reply to yourself” in the same thread unless it’s completely necessary.
Keep your posts clean: Excessive foul language is likely to get moderated or get you banned. Same applies for shouting (read above).
Avatars – We allow small personalized images to go along your user profile and your posts, avatars fall under the same guidelines as printed text. Please, no animated avatars.
Signatures – You can include with your messages a small signature, quote or slogan, please try to keep your signature less than 2 lines long. Furthermore, the signature space is the place to sign off and not within each of your posts.
English posts only – This is an English-only forum. For any other languages please look for a more appropriate site.
No spam, no pornography, no ads.